Personal Art Project
Experimental Typographer
2014, 2023
Initiation and realisation of an experimental typographic project, Tower of Babel (Love and Kiss in the EU). Together with the London Meal (2012) on the opposite wall, this project was specially assembled as a black-and-white-photographic wall installation (260 x 260 cm) for the exhibition Andreja Brulc: Odstiranja/Unveilings (Šmarje pri Jelšah, Slovenia • 7 Feb–24 Mar 2023), curated by Karmen Volavšek.
I have been developing this project from a series of edible cookies (Edible Valentine Type: Love and Kisses, 2014), which in turn was inspired by my research on Mexican pan dulce (2013). The idea was based on a particular variety of pan dulce [‘sweet bread’] called besos [‘kisses’], which are especially popular in Mexico for Valentine’s Day. The idea was then expanded further into a typographic feast in 5 languages (English, Spanish, Slovene, Italian, and German) using the words ‘love’ and 'kisses' as the basis for the project. Furthermore, my original project of edible type coincided with the Valentine theme set out to celebrate the first anniversary of Type Tasting, led by Sarah Hyndman, a renowned author of Why Fonts Matter (2016).
Four different kinds of recipes were used for these cookies, taken from Mexican, British and Slovene cuisine. The cookies were either shaped into type before they were baked, but in most cases, they were assembled into type after being baked and then photographed.
The current project was assembled for the exhibition with 9 official languages in the EU to fit the wall's dimensions in the gallery. As the project is meant to represent the two words in 24 official languages of the EU, I decided to change the plural noun 'kisses' into a singular form in order to avoid linguistic problems in languages I am not familiar with. Also, I have yet to repeat the process of baking, photographing and assembling the lettering for Greek and Bulgarian.
For the original project, see my blog and my What’s in Mexico.
Art projects represent a personal view of existential, social and cultural issues in the living environment (Friends, London Meal, [Tales of Two Cities], Tower of Babel). Andreja explores traditions, rooted values and established practices and questions taboos and stigmatizations in the everyday environment and modern society in general, also due to her own experience as a foreigner and immigrant in the United Kingdom. She connects her work with manual skills, home crafts and artistic practices.
– Karmen Volavšek, Curator/Author of Andreja Brulc: Odstiranja/Unveilings, Book/Exhibition Catalogue, 1 Feb 2023, 15
A delicious series of typographic cookies and sweets made by Andreja Brulc … [who] has a continuing interest in combining celebratory food and type, read more about her London Meal, Happy 2013 and Happy Easter baking projects.
– Sarah Hyndman, "Love & kisses to eat in 5 languages," Type Tasting, 18 Feb 2014