/ IDENTITY / Trees and Shrubs

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Arkesis / International Dendrology Society (IDS)
Chief Creative Designer & Illustrator

Design of a logo and a website, Bean's Trees and Shrubs (2013–14) for the International Dendrology Society. The website is an online edition of an important multi-volume reference work, Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles. The design was developed further for the project's sister site, Trees and Shrubs Online (2016–17), for which stationery and marketing material were also produced. Additionally, a website for the society, with a member’s area, was created (2017–18).

A simple and minimalist design using clear typography was applied to both sites to simplify navigation through such an extensive database. Both sites are based on a palette of two strong principal colours, representing seasonal change on trees: green and earthy orange. A similar approach was applied to the society’s own website.

The committee really liked everything you did on the last two sites, so their brief for the next one is simple: more of the same!
– Bill Hemsley, Director of Arkesis Ltd, Testimony, 17 Sep 2017

Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image
Trees and Shrubs image